Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Adventures after the Suez Canal

It has been a very busy few days.  Since leaving Alexandria, we have traversed the Suez Canal, visited Petra in Jordan, and the Valley of the Kings and Luxor from Safaga.

We took a cart ride to the Treasury at Petra and started the trek to the back.  Not far along the was I spotted a man who looked very familiar.  Seconds later, I spotted a woman who looked exactly like my neighbor!  Yes, it was my neighbor, Windee, from Stockton!  We went half way around the world to greet each other.  WOW!  small world!

Port of call--Safaga, Egypt:  The desert reminded Marshall of Fort Erwin; it was  beautiful in a strange sort of way, even more so since we were on an air conditioned bus with plenty of cold water and it was in the high 90’s. 

The fabulous temple of Karnak was incredible.  It is amazing that the ancients could such colossal monuments while the builders of the Egyptian homes today are so many steps behind.  It was explained that the “unfinished” look is in preparation  for the sons to marry, build on top of the existing home and bring the wife home.  I like close, but that is just a bit too close.

Cruise on the Nile was relaxing while the breezes upon the water was a refreshing change of pace. Then, back to the bus and more sites to see.

I really love a bargain.  I love to barter a price, but some of the insistence really got to me.  No, NO, and NO. usually works in latin countries.  This was a new ballgame.  One guy finally got me laughing when he said he had all sizes of blouses and patted his stomach.  It was so bizarre   that I just kept laughing.  Yes, I did buy that blouse.  

The ride back to the ship would beat Mr. Toad hands down.  We were optimistic that we would get back to the ship without incident, but it was only by pure luck that we did not become statistics of those claimed by the roads of Egypt.

Grateful for the luxuries of the ship, we retreated to our stateroom following a large draft at the Pig and Whistle.  Suddenly, we heard strange sounds outside our balcony window.  I do not know exactly what we were watching, but I did take pictures and a short video.  I will post that activity a little later. 

@ present we are in the Red Sea and the internet is not working.   Will post this as soon as possible.


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