Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to Improve a Trip to the Dentist

A trip to the dentist is usually quite mundane.  After the socializing, there are the x-rays, all done via computer with the elimination of those awful film pieces that pinched.  Next the polishing and cleaning and the hunt for the dreaded cavities.  No cavities this time (Mother would be proud), but I have one filling that can use replacement. Over with the dull business of that trip and on to the fun part. 

On the way home, I find a parking spot at the elementary school of my oldest granddaughter, take out my latest book of choice, and wait until the office staff opens the gate signaling it is time for  student pick up.  Since dismissal is early on Mondays, I  only completed  several pages of my novel before I eagerly remove myself from my auto and made my way through the open iron gates to Becca's classroom. 

As I wait for the last 5 minutes to tick away, I converse with a waiting mother about the free dermabrasion we are receiving from the playground sand and high force wind.  There are rewards for patience at the playground.

As the bell chimed its last prolonged note, my smiling Becca appeared with pink backpack.  Quickly we retrieved her sweatshirt from the bag, and I learned she had earned jellybeans for doing a great job in math.  Oh the joy of having a good learning day.  She is such a happy learner with a good teacher.

Knowing there was a short timeline to get home but big enough for a slight side trip, I asked Miss B if she would like to visit Cold Stone.  She inquired as to what it was and when I said ice cream, she said YES!  

Getting there was more complicated than I thought since the parking lot exit takes folks in the opposite direction of our goal.  Not to worry, we went around the block and successfully got through the Pacific Avenue traffic.  As we approached the building Miss B said, " Wow, there's even parking right in front!"

Knowing time was of the essence and the wind was not conducive to outside eating, take out was the decision made. Becca studied the ingredients, tasted a sample, and arrived at the choice ice cream of the day.  Naturally she had one made for sister at home, and a large one to share with Mama, Daddy, and little brother.  Naturally I got one to share with Grandpa.  

We made it back to Miss B's house on time, I made it home before any ice cream melted, and it was the best trip to the dentist I have had.   I knew it was going to be a good day; remember I am the optimistic tourist!

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