Saturday, April 28, 2012

Malaga and aboard ship

Malaga, Spain  April 27, 2011
As walked from the  spacious ship terminal,  we were greeted by a young lady asking if we would like a city tour by cab.  We had anticipated playing buffalos and just roaming, but the price was right and it seemed like a good idea.  As it turned out, it was not a good idea; it was a VERY good idea. 
We discovered there are places to which the tour busses do not have direct access, but due to their size, taxis are allowed.  It was perfect because we did not want to walk great distances to  then have to walk up stairs, grades, etc.  Our driver, Miguel, was delightful and made sure we saw the highlights of the city.  
We did not get to go into the cathedral.  It seems someone was rude enough to have died and needed a funeral on our day in Malaga.  Someone did not consult our ship’s calendar and our preferred agenda.  He won’t do that again!
Used the offshore internet.  Checked gmail account.  Since I was using my ipod, i was not going to compose a post.  it would have been for each correct letter entered, I would be removing 3.  A very slow process especially when done with very large hands and tiny keys. 
Returned to ship and kept busy until it was time to go to dinner.  Ate light this time--had a salad lunch upon return from Malaga.  Entertainment tonight was truly entertaining.  The gentleman played the violin and had something for everyone.  His name was Gary Lovini from London area.  If I ever figure out how to attach his music, I will do so.  
Following the glorious performance, I went to the guest services and traded for Euros.  Then I returned to the theater and bought cd’s of the performer.  Marshall will love them.  
Not wanting to go to the pub this evening, I took some US dollars and proceeded to the Royal Casino.   Deposited 20$ in one machine and did OK.  Moved to another and it that remaining money.  I force fed the new machine another 20.  It started regurgitating coins.  I finally got so tired of  pressing the buttons and my back  was starting to smart from the backless chair, so I quit!  My cup runneth over.  Now I know what $158.50 looks like in a cup.  I was hoping to get my $40 back--I did and some to play with again. I will be able to get over 200 points before the end of the cruise and get some cheezy prize BUT it is better than getting spit upon. 
Is there a pattern of winning $150+?  I sure hope so.  I have been there twice and left with that amount AND I didn’t bring it with me!
Very sleepy.  Hope allergy pills work or I will scratch all night and not be perky and ready to explore.  Sweet dreams.  MEW
P.S.I will try to post pictures here, but if it doesn’t work I will do it on Facebook. 

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