The worst part of a cruise is always the last day--no that's night. Reason is not the activities, dinner, or company; it is the packing! How did we ever get all of this stuff in those tiny suitcases and not have it over 50 pounds? We didn't buy anything that is traveling on the next plane with us, so why doesn't everything fit at 50 or less pounds?
It would make sense if they weighed us for a gain after having the bountiful display of food presented during the cruise; that is not the case.
As we stuffed, crammed, and otherwise wrestled with our belongings sweat dripped off of our foreheads--no, that was my forehead. Finally, we took a break and went to the last show of the cruise--Dancing With the Stars at Sea. We returned refreshed and gradually got all packed in the bags, the biggies put outside for pick-up, and got a chance to relax.
That is where we are now--sitting around in our ______oh, yes, bathrobes_____ as we enjoy the last of the cruise and I use up my internet minutes writing this piece.
Tomorrow, off to more adventure as we spend the day at the Miami International Airport awaiting our next plane. Looking forward to that seat in the Admirals' Club with my name on it.
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