After a sleepless night, I woke to the sounds of Bobby Darin singing "Beyond the Seas" and knew that was our goal. Showers were taken, final items stuffed into carry-on luggage, and off we went to the final breakfast of this cruise.
It was amazing to see so many people wide awake at this hour. It can be assumed some stayed up the entire night partying until the last moment--for some had that unnatural pop-eyed look of those struggling to keep eyes opened. At least everyone was chugging along and ready for that FINAL shipboard meal.
Out the expansive windows, we could see fog over the inter-coastal waterway--yes, fog in Florida! Dockside at the port does not look familiar. It appears we returned to a different terminal than we left from. Now in our stateroom awaiting directions, we can view the vegetation along the waters of South Florida. The sun is burning off the fog as a work vessel passes the port side of the ship and up the inner-coastal.
Time to just wait for our group color and number to be called; oh, there was just an announcement--but not for us. Guess I will finish in anticipation of the final call.
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