Friday, 13 May—Cruising Down the River— and other adventures on the California Delta
The sun is out, the sky a light blue, and the winds have kicked up to 35 MPH creating wind waves (on the usually serene waters) rough and tumble. Naturally the waves are moving eastward while we are traveling in the opposite direction. It is reminiscent of having the winds against ones umbrella on a blustery day. For the most part we glide over the tops of the waves, but there is the occasional bump and jerk as the water, wind, and boat surfaces come together. This is only one short trip, but the conditions can make the trip seem much longer than it is in reality. Today’s trip is not for the novice boater or one with a squeamish stomach; those who are psyched about motion sickness would definitely be loosing lunch by now. If luck is with us, the winds will trail off before we reach our destination. Perhaps the massive action will stop when we leave the main river channel and divert to one of the sloughs or reaches before waiting for the bridge to open onto the Sacramento River. Going to go down to the galley—that’s kitchen for non boaters, and get a snack for the captain and crew—that, me.
That was an adventure. The warnings that your are given on an airliner about holding on while walking about the cabin hold true for today's adventures in boating. Looking out the galley windows the waves look to be about 3 feet high and 10 feet apart. That makes for a very bumpy ride at best. I can see a sailor enjoying the wind in his sales as he heels dramatically to the port. It must be quite exhilarating as well as pure terror! If he is not scaring himself, he is doing a good job for me. Snacks are completed and we will soon turn on to one so the smaller water ways of the Delta that connects the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers called 3 mile Slough and the lift bridge.
As we slowly make our way down river to the hum of the twin Hino diesel engines, I make note of the few other boats we have seen out and the lack of chatter on the radio this fine Friday, May 13. Hmm, has everyone chosen to pull the wool over their heads out of superstition or do they not like the wind or maybe they have to work. Yes, the radio just squawked and some of our fellow travels have made it to the destination point. Oh, I do wish we were with them and closer to the docks. The electric wind turbines are in the distance near our destination. They don’t appear to be moving much. Maybe we will be lucky and the winds will slow by the time we reach the Sacramento River.
The water on the slough was much calmer than the San Joaquin River had been. WE are turning about in circles waiting for the bridge repair crew to clear so the bridge can be lifted. It really is an amazing sight to see traffic from both directions on state highway12 stop for our bridge opening. Every time I see one of the lift bridges go up, from land or the deck of the boat, it is an amazing sight.
We are headed up the Sacramento River to Rio Vista. This time we have a following wind that is pushing us all over the place. It is a short bit of time we will be ready to enter the harbor and calmer water and winds.
We have arrived, are sterned into our assigned dock space, and tied down. After the winds calm, the lines will be readjusted to the captain’s liking and all will be settled in for an afternoon and evening of merriment and good cheer with our fellow adventurers in the California Delta.
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