Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Smaller than a breadbox or Days Hotel Waterloo 3/23/2014

Following our long wait at the airport and our lengthy flight to London, we were met by our driver at Heathrow and taken to our hotel.  Since it was well before check in (around 8:30AM), our room was not ready.  The delightful desk girl happily stored our bags and said she would try to get us a room ASAP.

We went to one of the two restaurants of the hotel for continental breakfast; unfortunately, it was no better than the cold boxed breakfast offered on the British Airways flight.  Having just left 11 days of plentiful beautifully displayed buffets this was very pale by comparison. . . no comparison.

Sleep was the one commodity we were in search of at the time (little was had in the cramped seats of steerage) .  Even without the benefit of our room and comfy bead, we were able to attain a little sleep.  At about 11 AM we were approached by the lovely desk girl and told our room was ready--that was at least 3 hours  before the early check in time. Woo, woo!!

Fifth floor--top of the heap!  What luck.  Early to the room and top floor, what more could we ask for?

Our first glance of the room brought gasps and wide-eyed shock.  Could a hotel room costing this much really be so small?  This space was smaller than our cruise ship cabin which, itself, looked more like a closet. Eager for sleeping in a bed, we did not bother getting our luggage but fell to sleep almost instantly on our little, but comfortable, bed.   SLEEP, delightful!

After sleeping for several hours, Marshall retrieved our numerous bags from storage.  It was a challenge to find adequate floor space for all of the luggage, but where there is a will . . . .  climbing over bags, sorting through disarray, managing electrical challenges, and surviving the phone booth
sized bathroom without any mishaps provided great validation and exhilieration.

There is truth to location , location, location.  What this place lacked in size was compensated by the great location.

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