Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Educational Cruising---a class every woman needs to take.

Many people talk about the food and services on a cruise.  I must admit the food is usually outstanding, plentiful, and beyond what one would eat on a regular basis--perhaps that is why everyone claims “the cruise”  is responsible for the additional pounds  many bring home as a souvenir from those glorious days of sailing.  The service of the everyday staff and the spa staff are beyond one’s idea of pampering.  They make one feel like royalty, if only for a brief moment in time--yes, you must go back via TSA to get your reality check.  Ah, the memories.   

My favorite part of cruising is not the food or the pampering but, instead, the shopping!
To make sure not a  moment is  lost on the mundane, there is a special department onboard to keep everyone informed about all of the latest bargains to be found at the next port.  You will learn of the latest cuts in stones and  design in diamond jewelry, the newest of gems, and what your favorite celebs are wearing this season.  With the little VIP card issued by this wizard of shopology, you will get discounts on your gem buys and a complementary gift from the ever-friendly sales staff.  They will make sure they have showered you with information and whirling price-tags until you are totally confused and leave or impulsively buy that overpriced bobble you really did not need. You proudly leave the shop with your brightly branded bag identifying you  as the latest sting of the sales forces and target for the next hawker down the line.  Hopefully after several ports you will learn that you can look without buying or know exactly what you want to spend or buy before entering.  Get the free charm at DI, the free necklace at Effy, and whatever is a give away from the various shops.  It is an adventure and a vacation, Enjoy.

If you have not had enough shopping, you can get a little more in when the ship leaves port and the onboard shops can once again open their doors for business.

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